천상의 그림

[스크랩] 성화

뚜르(Tours) 2007. 9. 13. 16:19


The Crucifixion
Carl Heinrich Bloch(1834-1890)

The Flight into Egypt  1620
Andrea Ansaldo(1584-1638)

The Immaculate Conception  1661
Francisco de Zurbaran(1598-1664)

The Jabach Altarpiece  1504
Albrecht Durer(1471-1528)

The Last Judgement  1580
Jacob de Backer(1555-1585)
The Last Supper
Carl Heinrich Bloch(1834-1890)

The Last Supper  1524-25
Hans Holbein(The Younger) 1497-1543


The Light of the World  1851-53
William Holman Hunt(1827-1910)

The Madonna of Foligno  1511-12
Raphael Sanzio(1483-1520)
The Nativity  1776-1777
John Singleton Copley(1738-1815)

The Nativity
Jacob de Backer(1555-1585)

The Pieta  1667

The Presentation in the Temple(detail)  1463
Hans Memling(1435-1494)


브루흐 콜 니드라이 (신의 날) 작품47

Max Bruch (1838 - 1920) 

출처 : 예뜰마당
글쓴이 : 사랑 은총 원글보기
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